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April 03, 2009
Overnight Open Thread: Ministry of Silly Links (genghis)
Bits of randomness found on the intermesh. Or whatever else is on your mind.
Item #1: “PoconoJoe” sends along a link to a site called Curious Expeditions. Lots of interesting articles about out-of-the-ordinary historical artifacts. The second post from the top, about the glass flowers, is pretty amazing. Not flying car-type amazing but still…Probably too highbrow for you slavering pack of rabid morons.
Item #2: “JB” contributes an article (video actually) regarding wearable “6th Sense” technology that’s emerged from a lab at MIT. Some are comparing it to the gizmos from ”Minority Report.” It’s still under development but IMHO if they can somehow take it to the next level of imagery which uses 3d holographic projection then most of us will be racing as fast as we can towards our bunks prior to going out and purchasing one of these systems. (Please wash your hands before you head out the door to interact with real people…I don’t know why I have to keep reminding you people of that) The video’s kinda’ lengthy, but stick with it until a little after the midway point. That’s when the “oohs” and “ahhs” begin. Like any good geek tech this also has plenty of potential for misuse. (as they show in the vid.) I’m sure you’ll think of additional misuses.
Item #3: Finally, “Jubal Early Anderson” sends in an article from The Detroit News about Detroit’s continuing slide into dystopia. As large, mostly deserted parts of the city decay and revert back to their natural state, edible wild critters have also returned. Well, edible to some I suppose. So far the city hasn’t gone down the path to cannibalism or Soylent Green. Or maybe they have, according to the following quote by the “urban hunter” featured in the article (practically everything in the article is worth quoting):
"Today people got no skill and things is getting worse," he laments. "What people gonna do? They gonna eat each other up is what they gonna do."
How could anyone possibly think about eating one of these adorable creatures? Without a proper marinade and seasoning that is.
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:03 AM
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