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April 02, 2009
Sure, Why Not: US to Give One Trilion to IMF, Word Bank
Supposedly it's the G20 donating the money, but, as a previous post noted, our European cousins are railing against "crass Keynesianism" even in their own countries. They are not likely to give up much of their precious money to stimulate other countries.
Un. Fucking. Believable.
Remember all that crap about how we're spending money in Iraq that could be spent in America?
Well, America's now spending that money on the IMF and World Bank rather than in America.
It's almost as if he's some kind of transnational radical with a primary orientation towards the third-world rather than America.
Oh well, it's just a trillion. In five years it will be worth one-third that.
Thanks to Memomachine, via Drudge.