« Overnight Open Thread: “Space: 2009” (genghis) |
Top Headline Comments 03-25-09 »
March 25, 2009
Obama's Inherited Deficits
He inherited these deficits like OJ inherited Niccole Brown's head.
Via Instapundit, with more round-up.
Sorry I got bogged down in that song lyrics thread. Politics sorta went out the window.
Am I the first to pronounce this? I believe I am: I officially have Obama Fatigue (TM).
I don't think that will work in his interests, though one could postulate he could somehow win simply by exhausting his opponents with one eye-popping spending initiative after another.
I was already against him. I can't get more against him and there's no way in hell I'm getting on his side.
So what of the public? Do they have Obama Fatigue as well? I imagine they must. And since the general public is willing to "give him a chance" (in other words, they're mentally retarded), he's going to suffer for it.
He's taxing everything that moves, and that includes the public's patience. And patience only tends to move in one direction. Down.