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March 22, 2009

Taking Stock (tmi3rd)

After watching today's domestic bar fight, I had some thoughts. I tried to do some self-editing, but this is as long-winded as it typically is from me. Anyway...

Wow. We, the dextrosphere, are as fired up as I’ve ever seen us, and that’s good. We should be- we’re seeing a systemic, planned attack on the things that we hold dear, on the things that make our country what it is.

We’re seeing a domestic attack on our financial system- specifically, our ability to accumulate wealth. We’re seeing a domestic attack on our armed forces- an attempt to break the faith with the people who have kept the faith with us, no matter how ill-conceived their orders may have been. We’re seeing a domestic attack on our basic Constitutional rights- rights that are backed up by the law in practice and backed up by the rules of precedent.

We’re angry. We’re looking for a fight- whatever it decides to present itself as. Whether it be internecine war within this blog, or the Steele-Limbaugh dispute, or any of a number of that-pisses-me-off opportunities we’ve had since the presidential election, we as conservatives are ready to fight. All we need is a mission and a target.

Here’s where this post comes in- let’s take a look at where we are and where we need to be in order to stop this nightmare in its tracks.

Posted with permission from Ace.

What’s happening now to us as a group is the same thing that befell the Democrats back in 2004- they couldn’t get themselves together to put a coherent message out, and they fell into disarray. Things looked grim for them at that point- as you’ll recall, Hugh Hewitt put out his book about painting the map red. They started going after each other tooth and nail. And, as has been typical in the last 20 years, rather than capitalizing on that opportunity, Congressional Republicans handed everything back to the Left.

One of the things that seems to have our entire group pretty pissed off is that there is clearly blood in the water. You can see it everywhere you look- the Obama Administration is on the run. Congress is running unchecked, and the public is responding with a mixture of fear and horror so thick it’s palpable. The RNC sure doesn’t seem to have a plan, and the MSM is managing to keep guys like Boehner, Eric Cantor, and other leading conservatives out of the limelight. In the meantime, did anyone notice Glenn Beck’s ratings, especially given the fact that he’s on at 2 PM on the West Coast? So what’s the first thing the Bad Guys do? Start going after people trying to lead… Rush, Beck, Jindal, Palin, and so forth. The Bad Guys know they’re on thin ice, and it seems at times like nobody's trying to sink them.

The upcoming Congressional elections are ours to do with almost as we please- as long as we don’t screw it up. So what does it take for us to get on the same page?

First of all, let’s remember something- we’re going to do a hell of a lot better being happy warriors than the hateful, venom-and-spite shit flingers that we saw from the Left for the last couple of decades. Take this page from Limbaugh, something that McCain forgot about this past time- we win by being optimistic about the upcoming opportunities, about what a great set of solutions we have to solve our dilemma. The thing is, we aren’t going to convert people by beating them over the head with how bad the other guy is; we’re going to win by demonstrating to them- in brief terms, lest they glaze over- how our solutions and our belief in America and Americans will in fact take advantage of this crisis and make things right.

That's where we come in, as a blog community- we keep it lighthearted and funny. This blog has been the home of conservatism melded with (let's face it) unapologetic guy humor. Somehow, in this mixture of things, some real ideas have come to the surface.

We do have solutions. And more than that, we have people’s liberties at heart- their liberty to speak freely, their liberty to keep and bear arms, their liberty to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, their liberty to be free from attack from enemies- both foreign and domestic- and so forth.

Rather than putting that message out, we’re beating on each other. We’re playing with the lead and momentum right now, and instead of holding our ground and looking for an actual knockout blow, we’re squabbling with each other. This must stop.

During the last two elections, there were a few politicians who figured out that the dextrosphere was in fact home to some truly forward-thinking ideas. AoS was quoted verbatim during a couple of presidential debates. There are aspiring congresscritters out there who are daily visitors here, and one in particular (a buddy of mine who wants to run for Congress in Huntsville, AL) is looking for some out-of-the-box ideas that he can run on. Where does he go to look for them? Here, for one.

There are people among us that I’ve heard and seen fingers pointed at as being at fault for the lack of optimism, the lack of momentum, and the lack of a coherent plan to knock out the Left in 2010 and 2012. This is neither the time nor the place for recriminations. This is the time for us to get the message together- both by supporting our good guys and by defeating our bad guys- so that we have a partywide message of non-panicky, secure, stable knowledge that we are in control and working on the problem- to give people back control of their lives and get the government out of the way.

But in the meantime, let’s stop this crap. Let’s quit sniping at each other and get together on this. We’ve got just over 18 months to do some genuine damage to the Left’s hold on power. The Left does not have the lead right now- we do. They are being exposed, and we have to make sure that their perfidy continues to be exposed. It is upon us to continue them down the path that they’re currently on, so that we feel more like we did in 1994 and 2000 than we did in 2006 and 2008. Get happy, don’t talk yourselves out of winning, and follow the following rules, as laid out by Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse… forward to about 1:30 to get to the gist of it.

In the comments, guys, let’s not flame each other. Let’s lead- not with anger and fury, but with optimism and humor; namely, protecting the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments, and ideas for killing the spending of trillions upon trillions of dollars that has been tried and failed in the past. Make no mistake, folks- we are going to win this fight. The public is figuring out what a mistake they made letting Obama be president- we will win not by telling them how wrong they were, but showing them how right they’ll be to put our people back in charge. It falls to us here in MoronVille to take the lead. We’ve done it before, let’s do it again.

Thanks- have at it! And thanks for letting me put this up, Ace.

Almost Forgot: Part of the good attack on Teleprompter Jesus and his Merry Minions in Congress is a relentless, unyielding barrage of making fun of them- with all of the ferocity and none of the useless hate that the Left threw at us.

Okay. Now I'm done.

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posted by xgenghisx at 09:29 PM

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