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March 20, 2009
Turbo Tax Tim's Timeline On AIG Bonuses Takes A Hit
The smartest man ever claims he didn't know about the bonuses being paid to AIG employees until March 10th. Problem is, Congressman Joseph Crowley knew about them and even included the information in a question to Timmy on March 3rd. If you watch the video at the link, the mention of the coming payments is at about the :45 second mark.
Now, I'm not a super-genius like Timothy Giethner but I am fairly certain that March 3rd is before March 10th.
So, what did Timmy know and when did he know it?
This isn't about the chump change of $165 million in bonus money, it's about the most competent and scary smart administration ever being a bunch of idiots who can't keep their stories straight.
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posted by DrewM. at
12:23 PM
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