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March 18, 2009
Unbelievable...Obama Signed Book Deal For $500,000 Less Than A Week Before He Took Office
I guess we know what they were doing at the Office of the President Elect.
Not only does he get the cash, it's going to be a school propaganda project.
Mr. Obama approved the $500,000 advance on Jan. 15. The advance is against royalties under a deal with Crown Publishing, a division of Random House. The project calls for an abridged version of his book "Dreams From My Father" for middle-school-aged children, according to the disclosure.
A White House aide said that the deal had been in the works for weeks and that the publisher will abridge the book. The aide, speaking on a condition of anonymity, said the publisher will get half of the money while Mr. Obama will sign off on the final version.
In addition, the financial disclosure showed Mr. Obama brokered an amendment to an existing book deal with Crown Publishing to put off writing a nonfiction book until after he leaves office.
It's almost like the rules and traditions of the office don't apply to Him or something.
Imagine the media reaction if a Republican did something like this upon entering office.

posted by DrewM. at
10:09 PM
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