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March 17, 2009
COB6 says Shinseki should fall on his sword
The current disgraceful talk by President Obama and his administration has pushed COB6 from This ain't Hell as far as he is willing to go. He calls for accountability at the top
COB6 served under Gen. Shinseki as an officer in the 1st Cavalry Division and had a decent opinion of him as a soldier's officer but the efforts to throw our troops under Obama's bus have forced him to make this call.
President Obama wants to charge combat wounded veterans for care to
save $500 million while simultaneously GRANTING $900 million to
terrorist in Palestine to recover from the beat down that they sorely
I know whose side I am on, do you?
To General Shinseki I say RESIGN NOW. This is the
only possible way to preserve your integrity as a soldier’s soldier. To
do anything less is to slap the face of every wounded warrior and leave
yourself as nothing more than a liar and pathetic political hack.
I don’t call for you resignation because of any malfeasance that you
did but as a principled position against this atrocity and solidarity
with the soldiers that you once commanded.
Please Sir, You Must RESIGN, RIGHT NOW!

posted by Uncle Jimbo at
09:07 AM
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