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March 16, 2009
Mayor Alerts Residents To Danger
Bloggers are the enemy.
....she warned city residents that it’s not crime, or the stagnant economy that is a great danger to the city…but malicious bloggers.
The Daily Record reported that Tilghman in her speech said that the presence of a small group of suspicious, mean-spirited people over the last five years focused on the negative has grown, endangering the city’s vitality. She added that some people are avoiding serving their city because it’s not worth chancing the scorn of bloggers.
In addition to that, she has gone through great lengths to control the media, forbidding anyone in city government from speaking to WICO Radio host Bill Reddish, after Reddish gave the good old fashion grilling to City Council President Louise Smith. The station had to give her a show in order to have city coverage.
Believe me, it is not the scorn of bloggers that city workers are afraid of. It was the scorn of Barrie if they violated her gag order and let the truth out.
Gosh, a politician who is trying to shut down criticism from independent citizens AND the press. Huh. Imagine that.
I searched various articles and blog entries for her party affiliation. It was curiously omitted, time and time again.
Know where I found it?

posted by Laura. at
02:05 PM
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