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March 16, 2009
Overnight Open Thread: “A Chill Wind is Blowing Through This Nation” (genghis)
Not ours of course Mr. Robbins. Is this something? Maybe coming to a state-owned bank near you? The U.K Spectator would like to know Why are our State-Owned Banks Asking Customers About Their Political Affiliations?
”Some tip-offs are so awful that you almost hope they are untrue. When I was told by Geoff Robbins, a computer consultant, that he had been asked about his political connections before opening an account with the state-controlled Royal Bank of Scotland it sounded fantastical. Having the state owning the UK banking system is bad enough, but asking about party membership before you open an account? Not in Britain, I thought. And indeed, the RBS press office denied it outright. "We would not ask that question, nor dream of doing so," said an RBS spokeswoman. So had Robbins concocted his story? I doubted it. So I called RBS Streamline myself and pretend to set up an account for credit card processing facility. I used the details of my mother-in-law's real company and when they started to talk politics, I switched on the tape recorder. Here is the audio, the transcript is below.”
And indeed the transcript is below if you’d like to go read it. Frankly I haven’t read the article fully and digested it. Looks like one of those things that Gabe needs to explain to us in a 5,000 word post. I skimmed the comments following it and it looks like a lot of people with solid knowledge about the U.K. banking system weighed in on the subject. Meanwhile you morons are picking at your navel lint while deciding on which inflatable sex toy you want to order online. It’d also be nice if, just for once, you could comment in a British accent. Might lend a bit of class to this place. Or not, since you’d be making the same moronic comments, but with a British accent. (And it’d all be in Cockney anyway)
Hat tip to “oLD gUY” who found it at The Belmont Club blog.
Artists representation of British citizens on their way to a public debate regarding banking regulations. And some ultra-violence along the way, time permitting.
There's a lot you could learn from them you know. Cheery-o’ old chaps!
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:39 AM
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