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March 13, 2009
Krauthammer Blasts Obama on Stem Cells
"Moral arrogance..."
That part of the ceremony, watched from the safe distance of my office, made me uneasy. The other part -- the ostentatious issuance of a memorandum on "restoring scientific integrity to government decision-making" -- would have made me walk out.
Restoring? The implication, of course, is that while Obama is guided solely by science, Bush was driven by dogma, ideology and politics.
What an outrage. Bush's nationally televised stem cell speech was the most morally serious address on medical ethics ever given by an American president. It was so scrupulous in presenting the best case for both his view and the contrary view that until the last few minutes, the listener had no idea where Bush would come out.
Obama's address was morally unserious in the extreme. It was populated, as his didactic discourses always are, with a forest of straw men. Such as his admonition that we must resist the "false choice between sound science and moral values." Yet, exactly 2 minutes and 12 seconds later he went on to declare that he would never open the door to the "use of cloning for human reproduction."
Does he not think that a cloned human would be of extraordinary scientific interest? And yet he banned it.
To me, Obama's statement showed a fundamental pettiness of spirit. There was no reason to criticize the Bush administration in his remarks, but it's almost as though he can't help himself. Actually, I'm beginning to think he really cannot.
After all, doing so might force him to concede that others have good reasons for their positions, an admission that would undermine his ability to play the noble crusader.

posted by Slublog at
01:20 PM
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