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March 11, 2009
Department Of Justice To Launch Illegal Immigration Probe...Into Local Sheriff Enforcing Immigration Laws.
The U.S. Justice Department has launched a civil-rights investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office after months of mounting complaints that deputies are discriminating in their enforcement of federal immigration laws.
Officials from the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division notified Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Tuesday that they had begun the investigation, which will focus on whether deputies are engaging in "patterns or practices of discriminatory police practices and unconstitutional searches and seizures."
An expert said it is the department's first civil-rights probe related to immigration enforcement.
Arpaio vehemently denies that deputies are illegally profiling as part of his immigration crackdowns. He said Tuesday that he welcomes the investigation and intends to cooperate fully.
"We have nothing to hide," he said.
Now Arpaio is a colorful character to say the least but I'm assuming his high profile is one of the reasons the Obama Justice Department is going after him.
Combine this with the Department of Homeland Security's investigation into why ICE conducted a work place enforcement raid and I'm starting to get the sense the Obama administration may not be serious about enforcing immigration laws.
Via The Corner

posted by DrewM. at
01:06 PM
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