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March 09, 2009
Time to Make a "Love Connection"
It's pretty bad when you lose "conservatives" like Buckley, Frum & Parker, but how low do you have to go before you lose rock-ribbed conservatives like......Meghan McCain! Writing over at The Daily Beast, Ms. McCain has declared in her most recent column that Ann Coulter Does Not Speak For Meghan McCain!
I know, I know. Whoda thunk it?
Now Meghan McCain has several things going for her here:
1. She's rich. Mom's family business means that Ms. McCain could coast through life like a Kennedy or a Heinz-Kerry.
2. Meghan McCain is a hottie. Let's not let this thread degenerate into the myriad of ways that we'd "hit it", but instead simply stipulate that Meghan Is Hot.
3. Her brothers were raised in a household where military service to our country is valued, so I think it's probable that she feels the same way. That's a big plus for her character in my book.
With all that said, I have a few problems with Ms. McCain's position here.
Let me get this straight: Meghan McCain's father spent the last 2 years and the years 1999 & 2000 vying for the nomination of the Republican Party for the Presidency, and Ms. McCain has only been a registered Republican for ONE YEAR? OK, let's assume that she was too young to be politically aware when he ran the first time. Why wait until spring of 2008 to register? Was she waiting to see if Daddy got the nomination before she came on board with his party's nominee? If John McCain had lost the primaries and had to watch this last election from the bullpen, I think it's probable, even CERTAIN, that Ms. McCain would still be sitting on the fence. Let's just say that her commitment to the Republican Party is based more on who their latest Presidential nominee was rather than a long-standing commitment to shared values. Hell, at least she's still talking to Daddy, which is more than the Giuliani kids will do with their Pops.
I don't mind seeing think-pieces from people who don't think as clearly as I do. I usually figure that they've got something in their background that gives them an insight into the subject that I might not have. You know, like reading a Leonardo DiCaprio column on global warming because one of Leo's 27 cars is a Prius? But Ms. McCain's writing gig at the Daily Beast seems to be solely based on the fact that her Daddy ran for president last year. Shit, at least Chris Buckley wrote a few good novels while he was living off WFB's conservative bona fides. What has Meghan McCain done that compels me to give two craps and a stroke about what her position on issues in the political arena happens to be?
I think that I've got a solution that will kill two birds with one stone. Ms. McCain previously lamented the effect of the 2008 election on her dating life, and we all know a certain NYC-based Beta Male pundit who couldn't get laid at a women's prison, even if he showed up with a bottle of roofies and a fistfull of pardons.
Let's see if we can get these two wacky kids together and start the healing process!
On the plus side, this would make an EPIC sitcom. Just spitballing here, but I think the first season of this sure-thing powerhouse could revolve around the happy couple and their wacky misadventures on the way to the altar. The difficulties in getting the groom's hot-blooded Asian American guardian to agree with the wife's cranky old war hero father on the caterer, florist and photographer for the wedding is a multicultural EPIC WIN for whichever network picks this up first. Hell, daddy dropping the "gook" bomb at the first meeting between the families could carry an entire episode by itself!
This idea is pure genius, and I'm just GIVING. IT. AWAY. Because I care.
posted by Russ from Winterset at
10:58 AM
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