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March 05, 2009
Electricity Prices to "Skyrocket;" New Clean Coal Plants to Be "Bankrupted;" And Now, Obama Kills Nuclear Energy, Too
He pulls the plug on Yucca Mountain, which would have safely stored spent uranium fuel for one million years.
The War on Energy. Obama's winning. But wait for the quagmire.
In case this stupid fuckshit didn't notice, we've been putting our hopes on wind and solar farms since nineteen seventy fucking three and as of yet not a single alternate source of energy is anywhere near mature.
But oh yes, let us destroy the current modes of energy production before we have an alternative.
Who runs Bartertown?
Forget it, Jake. It's Thunderdome.
I can't tell you how scary-smart you have to be to dramatically increase the cost of a necessity that affects the price of every other necessity in the midst of a world recession (potentially sliding into a depression) as consumer spending and business activity has plummeted.