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March 05, 2009
Politico Buries the Lede
As a preamble, I noticed yesterday (off the site) that the Obama Administration is candid with the press while being deceptive to the public. For example, they were practically bragging that they were engineering a silly distraction in their campaign against the real cause of the financial meltdown-- Rush Limbaugh.
Would Republicans be so candid to the press admitting this cynical strategy? No, and it's not because we're more secretive or dishonest; it's because we know the press would never stop tearing our asses about it. But the Obama Administration knows the press will handle its cynical campaigning with the proper "context" and "nuance," and not make a very big deal about it.
So, Obama is manufacturing a false war with a talk-show host as the US and the world teeters on the edge of insolvency. Ah, well. That's just good politics, innit it?
Well, check out this stunning admission by a member of Obama's inner circle. Buried -- buried -- at the very end of a Politico piece.
In the end, Obama believes, forward motion on his agenda matters more than any details.
“Even if we’re busting the budget, we’ve got to solve some of these problems,” said a member of his inner circle. “I’d rather live with a debt than have people go without health care.”
Well! That's a pretty major confession -- that despite his protestations, fixing the economy is not Obama's top priority. Advancing his ideological agenda is. And if that conflicts with the need to avert an economic catastrophe -- oh well, can't make an omelet, etc.
This isn't the first such admission the press has yawned at. Rahm Emmanuel announced his desire to use a legitimate crisis as pretext to advance an ideological agenda when he remarked one must " never let a crisis go to waste."
But the press yawns.
The Obamanauts have no care or concern about making these breath-halting admissions because they know the press is of a like mind and therefore sees no fault in them.
Now, to get off the press-bashing angle and get to actual policy:
Obama's man just admitted he doesn't care if he bankrupts the country as long as he gets health care.
That seems a rather important fact, doesn't it? It's useful context for evaluating Obama's various claims about what is necessary to supposedly save the economy, isn't it?