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March 02, 2009
Rush Fires Back; And Now It's a Genuine War
Threats of withholding donations. Terrific.
In case my point wasn't clear: This is simply not important enough for the Republican Party to go to war with itself over. Paper it over, let it pass, move on to important stuff.
It's not fair that the media demands that every conservative sign a Pledge of Loyalty to President God-King Obama and announce they wish him to succeed -- certainly there was no such Loyalty Oath circulated when Bush was president.
And no, I can't say I'm upset that Limbaugh got annoyed by this and chose not to play ball.
However, the media controls the public discourse. This is an issue because they want it to be an issue, and they want it to be an issue because... well, guess. Hint: It's not because it helps the conservative cause.
If everyone wants to bang on Steele for dealing inartfully with Limbaugh's own inartful remarks, and play right into the media's and the Obama Administration's (but I repeat myself) game of stoking a full-on civil war in the party rather than kissing and making up, fine. What can I do.
The media has made this an issue because it hurts us. Steele is scrambling among several not terribly good options to avoid the media's use of this against us. The media has fucked us -- and everyone buying into the Let's Burn the Party Down game is letting them fuck us even harder.