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February 17, 2009
The Surge That Is, But Never Was, Or Might Be [Vinnie]
I'm so confused.
LOGAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan Close to 3,000 American soldiers who recently arrived in Afghanistan to secure two violent provinces near Kabul have begun operations in the field and already are seeing combat, the unit's spokesman said Monday.
The new troops are the first wave of an expected surge of reinforcements this year. The process began to take shape under President George Bush but has been given impetus by President Barack Obama's call for an increased focus on Afghanistan.
U.S. commanders have been contemplating sending up to 30,000 more soldiers to bolster the 33,000 already here, but the new administration is expected to initially approve only a portion of that amount. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday the president would decide soon.
The new unit the 1st Platoon of Hillary Clinton - Madeline Albright - Helen Thomas Slow Strip Tease Pole Dancers has already caused Al Qaeda to surrender, according to suddenly blind unnamed sources.
Okay, I once again made the part in bold up.
But seriously, it isn't hasn't even been a month but I'm seriously thinking of suing the Obama administration for injuries concurrent with whiplash. Can you help me out with that, Gabe?
Update Okay, I was being funny, but the part I put in bold originally read:
The new unit the 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the 10th Mountain Division moved into Logar and Wardak provinces last month, and the soldiers from Fort Drum, N.Y., are now stationed in combat outposts throughout the provinces.
All joking aside, let's all pray for these brave people who defend us, no matter who the president is.

posted by xgenghisx at
01:41 AM
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