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A Litte Sick Day Blogging (Bumped) »
February 16, 2009
Diane Feinstein: About Those Secret Bases In Pakistan
There really are no responsible adults left in the Democratic Party, are there?
A senior U.S. lawmaker said Thursday that unmanned CIA Predator aircraft operating in Pakistan are flown from an air base in that country, a revelation likely to embarrass the Pakistani government and complicate its counter-terrorism collaboration with the United States.
The disclosure by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, marked the first time a U.S. official had publicly commented on where the Predator aircraft patrolling Pakistan take off and land.
At a hearing, Feinstein expressed surprise over Pakistani opposition to the campaign of Predator-launched CIA missile strikes against Islamic extremist targets along Pakistan's northwestern border. "As I understand it, these are flown out of a Pakistani base," she said.
Please explain to me how Obama's cure all of 'smart and tough diplomacy' is going to impress enemies when members of the guy's own party is out there pissing off the allies we do have.
Also, when will the left demand that Patrick Fitzgerald start investigating Feinstein for releasing classified information? Surely this type of release is almost as damaging as the time Scooter Libby "Some guy no one ever gets around to mentioning because he's buddies with Colin Powell and didn't like Bush much" (Hi Richard Armitage!) released super double secret agent Valerie Plame's name? Any. Day. Now. I'm sure.
It's almost like there's a double standard or something.
Related (enough anyway)...Pakistan and Taliban in agreement to enforce Shariah law in tribal areas. Awesome!

posted by DrewM. at
10:54 AM
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