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February 16, 2009
Overnight Open Thread. Some Sunday Night Randomness (genghis)
As always, it’s a topic potluck, so bring your own savory dishes to share with everyone. No lutefisk this time!
Item #1: “The Wit and Wisdom of Bill Maher.” A couple of days old, but America’s funniest man was on Larry King’s show last Friday to offer up his usual blend of folksy humor and wry social commentary to a nation desperately in need of both in these times of trouble. Never has there been a humorist worthy enough to be called a successor to this man until now.
”King: (referring to President Obama, -ed.) So, overall, how is he doing? In this short period of time, with some goofs he's made?”
“Maher: Yes. He's -- well, I mean, considering the alternative, he's doing fantastic. And he's a pleasure to watch. I just watched him there talking about Lincoln. I mean he can put a sentence together. He's eloquent and he's -- he's unflappable. I mean, he's so cool and calm.”
“Is he on Xanax?”
“I mean ... sometimes I wonder about this guy. I wish my broker was that calm.”
Maher’s absolutely right on about President Obama’s ability to put a sentence together, and be very efficient with the use of the English language. After all, can any of you manage to use the word “uh” in a single sentence as a noun, verb, pronoun, adverb, contraction, personal pronoun, gerund, exclamation, adjective, subject, predicate, appositive, infinitive, modifier (dangling or not), subordinate clause, prepositional phrase, conjunction, abbreviation, comma, quotation mark, and punctuation all within that single sentence? And could any of you diagram that sentence? I didn’t think so Mr. Smarty McSmartpants. At least we don’t have to spend the next 4, 8 or more years listening to the ex-chimperor mispronounce the word “nuke-u-lar.”
Also, there is no truth to the rumor that Larry King actually passed away several years ago and CNN created an animatronic device and clad it with a dry, aged leathery material to replace him. Photo of Mr. Maher appears below the fold.
Item #2: Having some friends over? Or some enemies? Like playing practical jokes on them? Well, Gizmodo spotlights a new product for you: a lounge fire/fireplace disguised as a bench. As the article states: what could go wrong? Nothing a little Extra Strength Preparation H wouldn’t clear up, and you’ll all have a big laugh about it later at the burn ward. (Kids love it too!)
Item#3: “IllTemperedCur” posted this in last night’s comments, but it really does need wider exposure. It’s the latest innovation in personal cubicle defense: A motorized, 504 round rubber band minigun.A thing of pure awesomeness it is. As I mentioned last night, this is gonna’ change the entire balance of cubicle warfare. Once the IT dept. gets their (Cheeto-stained) hands on this weapon, they’ll break out of the trenches. Accounting and Marketing won’t stand a chance. It’ll be a slaughter.
Here’s Bill Maher, as promised (pic taken last Hallow’s Eve…or maybe the one before that)
”Beloved humorist and national treasure Bill Maher pays respects to his late dear friend Steve Irwin prior to a Halloween gathering honoring his memory.”
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
03:03 AM
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