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February 07, 2009
It’s Official…Dissent Is No Longer Patriotic
Well that didn’t take long.
Mr. Obama called Ms. Collins and Mr. Specter, as well as Senator Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, another Republican expected to support the deal, to acknowledge they were acting against pressure from their party and, one official said, to thank them for their patriotism in helping advance the bill at a critical time.
Apparently not wanting to spend 800 billion to a trillion dollars (no one actually knows) is unpatriotic.
That of course is in contrast to the dark days of say, last year when voting to retreat in the face of the enemy in Iraq was a deeply patriotic act and daring to criticize the advocates of cut and run bordered on fascism.
In other news, we have always been at war with Eurasia.

posted by DrewM. at
01:05 PM
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