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December 23, 2008
Top Headline Comments 12-23-08
Some news bytes for ya:
2008 in Photos. Some really good ones in there. Ignore the editorializing.
Rick Warren makes an amateur mistake, scrubs website (Warning: I think there's a faulty script at that link; takes forever to load). What used to be here about homosexuality #48 [link removed as it was busting the blog] now directs you here.
As Biden desperately tries to shrink the role of the Vice President, Clinton is trying to boost the importance and power of the Secretary of State. In related financial news, popcorn futures are up.
In entertainment news, J. Michael Straczynski's rumored remake of The Forbidden Planet might actually be a trilogy. James Cameron is said to be looking to direct.
And finally, in the category "I'm Embarrassed That You Purport to Represent Me": the American Family Association has issued an "Action Alert" warning consumers that the Campbell Soup Company "gave their approval to the entire homosexual agenda." Says the AFA about ads which ran in a gay magazine, the Advocate:
Campbell Soup Company has openly begun helping homosexual activists push their agenda. Not only did the ads cost Campbell's a chunk of money, but they also sent a message that homosexual parents constitute a family and are worthy of support.
I'll be using Campbell's for all my Christmas day casserole needs.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:29 AM
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