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December 05, 2008
F It All Friday.
Good morning, darling hobo rustlers. It's FiAF again. Long week, eh? It's always like that after a holiday.
This week seems to have lasted forever. Feels like ages ago that I was eating sweet potato pie with the fam and knuckle-smackin' my red-headed cousin upside his big stupid orange head.
Tipster eddiebear sends this rancid puddin' cup to us:
Apparently “plump boobs and hot thighs” were too much for the 54-year-old pornography customer’s heart, who died while watching porn in one of the video-booths at the sex-shop on Bischofsplatz, the paper said.
A call to emergency services came too late to help the man. Though authorities suspect he died of a heart attack, the doctor on the scene could not determine the cause of death at the time, and the corpse was handled over to police.
Strategic misspelling in that last para. Sorry. My bad.
Hey, it's no one's fault that there's funny ways to die. The best we can do is try not to crack up during the eulogy.

posted by Laura. at
10:56 AM
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