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November 30, 2008
Widow of Blackwater Contractor States Her Husband Should be Thanked for Providing Security; WaPo Commenters Call Him a Mercenary Thug
The word has come down that they can't malign the soldiers whom they desperately wish to spit upon. Mostly they restrain themselves from doing that (mostly), but channel their hatred towards the non-forbidden focus of hate, civilian contractors.
You know -- security guards on the most hazardous duty on the face of the earth. Protecting unarmed civilians, relief workers, diplomats, and journalists from being murdered.
Obviously they're getting what they so richly deserve.
dsrobins wrote:
Sorry it doesn't wash. Laguna, like all who work for Blackwater was a paid mercenary thug. These guys come from the dregs of our society, losers who love guns and violence and are attracted by the high salaries in Iraq. They have committed countless atrocities there, murdered utterly innocent men, women and children and accepted to responsblility whatsoever for their crimes. They are criminals who have betrayed America and always will remain so.
bama510 wrote:
Marybeth, I am sorry for your loss. I presume that since your husband was fighting for all Americans, he was fighting for my right to disagree. Well trained men like your husband are draining the military of the well trained men we paid to train. They make it possible to run an illegally "justified" war and make an obscene amount of money while doing it. I myself am concerned that since Blackwater bows to the highest bidder, and are so close to Washington that the orderly transition of power is threatened. Your husband while a good man, was a mercenary. He did not take his orders from the U.S., but from an ultra-conservative billionaire and the likes of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. He made a lot of money doing it. He in no way equates with the grandmother from Ohio, in the National guard who lost her life, she and those guardsmen, and all soldiers like them are heroes and to be greatly admired. They were following the orders of the U.S government and died carrying them out. Sadly there is a difference.
Deric1 wrote:
Dear Ms. Laguna: I am sorry for your loss, but no matter how noble your husband may have been, in many ways, the fact is that he was a thrill junkie who was being paid as a mercenary in a bad war at the time of his death. He loved to fly and to help people, but he also loved the adrenaline rush of watching tracer rounds go past his cockpit. Otherwise, he could have stayed right here in the US and flown and helped people. "Blackwater" and "hero" do not belong in the same sentence.
AMviennaVA wrote:
Husband was a mercenary. Pure and simple. Never glamorize the breed.
Thanks to James W.