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November 29, 2008
Football Open Thread
Bumped: So what's all this Bedlam stuff about? It all started years ago, right about the time Dave in Texas was born, in fact:
In 1900, in Oklahoma Territory, Oklahoma A&M (later Oklahoma State) veterinary medicine professor Dr. L.L. Lewis assembled a group of A&M students to participate in the first territorial Track and Field Meet. Held on May 4, 1900, the event included Alva Normal College, Central Normal of Edmond, Kingfisher College and the University of Oklahoma, along with OAMC. The prize of the tournament was a silver cup donated by a local jeweler named Douglas. Surprisingly, A&M won the meet and returned to Stillwater with the traveling trophy.
In 1901, A&M won again, and a third consecutive win would mean permanent retirement of the Douglas Cup in Stillwater. The meet was held on May 23, 1902, with the Aggies amassing the most points. Oklahoma filed a protest based on the pole vault competition not having been completed due to darkness, however, Oklahoma A&M claimed the Douglas cup. [They were whiners even then.]
The next day the Sooners held their own vault competition and declared themselves the victor. Several weeks later, the Douglas Cup was missing from its place in a glass case at the Oklahoma A&M chemistry lab. Suspecting that OU students had stolen the Cup, a group of A&M students retrieved the Cup from Norman, supposedly burying it under Old Central for safekeeping.
Ten years later, when excavation was being done for A&M's Gundersen Hall [where I actually had classes a few years ago], the trophy was found. Today it resides in OSU's Heritage Hall.
Ever since, the criminals cheaters Sooners have been grouchy about it.
Game starts in just a few minutes. Stick around to see me taunt the Normanite commenters or start arbitrarily banning them when the Cowboys start to lose!
Original Post:
I guess Dave's not around. Some games have already started today, but there's only one I care about:
I can't even describe to you how awesome things are in Stillwater right now. Fortunately, they are televising the game out here in California, now that the outcome is important for OU's fate. The game starts at 7pm CST.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:58 PM
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