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November 26, 2008
Hizzoner the Heckler: "I Was Only Speaking Truth to Power"
Justice Richard Sanders of the Washington Supreme Court heckled AG Mukasey, yelling, "Tyrant, you are a tyrant" minutes before Mukasey collapsed (there is no connection between the heckling and the collapse, BTW). Sanders is a libertarian member of the Federalist Society.
Something tells me we're not dealing with the sharpest legal mind. This is from his non-apology:
The program provided no opportunity for questions or response, and I felt compelled to speak out. I stood up, and said, “tyrant,” and then left the meeting. No one else said anything. I believe we must speak our conscience in moments that demand it, even if we are but one voice.
I hope those who know my jurisprudence will agree that to truly love the Constitution is to uphold it, to speak out for it, not just in times of peace and prosperity, but also in times of chaos and crisis.
Social maladjustment. Impulse control issues. Self-serving recharacterization of facts. And a tautology: "to truly love the Constitution is to uphold it." You are a credit to your kind, Judge Sanders. Commenters may decide whether I'm referring to judges, libertarians, or both.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
12:06 AM
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