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November 25, 2008
Blegging a Dish to Thanksgiving Dinner
So I'm going to Thanksgiving dinner at a friend's parent's house this year, same as last year. They always say don't worry about bringing something, but that's silly. My folks always taught me to bring the drinks if you get invited to dinner at someone's house, so I bought the wine already. But I'm thinking of bringing a veggie, a bread, or a desert dish, too.
Recipe suggestions would be appreciated. Nothing from Ace's new favorite cookbook, please, IYKWIMAITTYD.
Think of your favorite side dish at Thanksgiving Dinner.
I mugged the Anchoress and stole this idea. She's looking for a veggie recipe.
Also, this is most definitely an opportunity to flame your fellow commenters for having such poor taste as to actually consume the three-bean salad.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
09:15 PM
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