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November 25, 2008
Overnight Thread (genghis)
Now fortified with even more McRib!
It's almost as if it's smiling at you
In which we discuss random thought such as football, politics, paraffin hand treatments, the McRib, hunchbacks, paraffin hand treatments, whiny Longhorns complaining about how they’re getting jacked by the BCS voters, paraffin hand treatments, your plans for Thanksgiving, international law regarding piracy on the high seas, paraffin foot treatments, more McRib, where the hell has Spurwing Plover gone and has he died and are his cats now devouring him either alive or dead since neither he nor they can get out of the house because they’re all trapped in there together or is Spurwing the one doing the eating, paraffin paw treatments for cats, the awesomeness that is the McRib, and the many ways in which WickedPinto can kill you with whatever he has at hand including lint from his pockets as well as paraffin, which is lethal in his hands.
So there’s a lot on your plate to consider.
Regarding the McRib, many scoffed at its amazing qualities (which are many) in an earlier post last weekend. You mocked it as not being true bbq. STFU.
To satisfy you haters, real bbq below the fold.
Update: Vinnie reminds me, in the comments, that open blog posts need to be approved by Ace, so I'd just like to add that this post has been approved by Ace. Thanks Vin!
Update II: In the comments, someone (aka "someone") wishes to remind us of the importance of using Tiny URL when you comment and wish to provide a linky to something that has a way too long Intertube Address. Thanks, "someone!"
Yes, the McRib is a cheap, sloppy (yet tasty) snack on the run. Here, however, we have two perfectly smoked, butterflied chickens that spent some quality time in a Weber Smokey Mountain (AKA “Weber Bullet”) water smoker, bathing in a smoky succulent mixture of half mesquite/half cherry wood. After their spa treatment in their smoky sauna, they were treated to a final rub-down with a spicy Asian-apricot/Cajun sauce, followed by a brief tanning directly over the coals. Don’t they look happy? (Personally, I think the one at the top left is sporting a Hustler-type pose, but then again, I don’t get out much)
So, before you mock the McRib, please be sure to gaze into that pic as you’re eating your ramen noodle dinner in your cold, lonely apartment.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:11 AM
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