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November 23, 2008
Washington State Regulators: “Is Blogging Lobbying?” (genghis)
According to this article in the Seattle Times, the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission, a regulatory agency, is considering whether or not blogging is a form of lobbying.
”Blogger beware? State regulators are wondering whether online political activism amounts to lobbying, which could force Web-based activists to file public reports detailing their finances.”
“In a collision of 21st century media and 1970s political reforms, the inquiry hints at a showdown over press freedoms for bloggers, whose self-published journals can shift between news reporting, opinion writing, political organizing and campaign fundraising.”
Opposition is also coming from the Leftisphere, so I think this is one thing we can actually agree on, if only one thing:
”But the blogosphere is taking the notion seriously. One prominent liberal blogger in Seattle is already issuing a dare - if the government wants David Goldstein to file papers as a lobbyist, it will have to take him to court.”
“Goldstein, publisher of the widely read horsesass.org, wants to know how his political crusades could be subject to financial disclosures while newspaper writers, radio hosts and others in traditional media get a pass.”
“For most bloggers, Goldstein said, the work "is a hobby, a sideline. And yet they contribute greatly to the public debate and to the new journalism."
No shit (Though he forgot to mention the whole drunken aspect of this thing, but that’s not really the point. Unless it is.) Goldy’s a broken clock, but like they say:” A broken clock is right twice a day.”
In brighter news, at least we have the McRib back for the time being. So all is well.
Eat me
And below the fold, as required by management, 15% “The Warriors” content.
”McRibs are waiting for all you suckas in the buffet line. Can you dig it?”
posted by xgenghisx at
03:13 AM
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