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November 23, 2008
CT Moron Meetup
BUMPED to note our host's hospitality.
The proprietor was very generous to our group with appetizers and shots, and deserves a hearty thank you and recognition. He also honored our reservation by having other customers removed from our Special Moron Area. I am not kidding.
The place offers a huge menu of great burgers and many exotic beers. If you're in New Haven, CT you should check out Prime 16 on Temple Street.
I would be remiss not to note that there were many attractive women gathered around the bar. Some were not wearing much, for a night with below-freezing temperature.
Interesting conversations this evening. Money. Media. Elections. Lefty academia. Work.
And: What's the best thing to vomit?
This is what I've learned this evening.
If you have to vomit, you want to vomit a milkshake. My source tells me that nothing is as safe- and dare I say pleasantly refreshing- coming the wrong way up the alimentary canal as an icy milkshake from McDonald's.

The Connecticut AOSHQers toast each other with a round of 'Hobo Killers' (Hobo blood and Valu-Rite Vodka). No one remembers who bled the hobo, and they won't be able to recall it under police questioning, either. If they know what's good for them.
Photo thanks to the gorgeous, charming, and aptly-named Sassypants.
Many, many thanks to Daryl T. for setting us up with the venue. He put a nifty flaming skull above our area of the pub, too.
Booze everywhere and a smoldering skull up in the rafters. Felt just like Grandma's house.
It was all very pleasant. Everybody was great fun to meet. We will do this again.

posted by Laura. at
05:42 PM
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