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November 21, 2008
24 Year Old Named Sexiest Woman Alive
I give. I take.
Karolína Kurková named the sexiest woman alive by E! or People or one of those goofy ass media outlets that gets more hits than all the political blogs combined(squared, and some other arithmetic function on top of it).
I checked and found out she's one of the Victoria's Secret models. So that's gotta be worth a couple of bucks.
Here she is...
At the risk of my Dave in Texas parrafin creds, I gotta say it.
She does nothing for me.
Perhaps it's the age thing. She's just a couple of years older than my eldest gal, and that tempers a man of my age experience.
But mostly I think it's that dumb blank look on her face and the goofy ass feathers. Bad pic?
Yes. Godawful. Pick others and post em if ya feel like it.
Anyhow, it's Friday night, a good night for arguing about hotness, so if you feel the need, I'll offer up some red meat. The time-honored question, "which one?", here's my answer.
UPDATED: yeah, I do this shit.
68 Most beautiful: Kim Novak, Tuesday Weld, Audrey Hepburn
Sexiest: Raquel Welch, Sophia Loren.
Two different things here, although there's naturally a lot of overlap.
Posted by: Dead Career Sketch at November 21, 2008 09:28 PM (JTN0y)
Can't argue that.
GodDANG she was a cutie. She made Loni Anderson look like a Morlock.
Added question, from the other night. Who's the sexiest woman not alive?
I'd go with Lauren Bacall, but she's still tickin, so, uhm... hmmm.
I'll get back to you on this one.

posted by Dave In Texas at
08:27 PM
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