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November 21, 2008
Hllary: Yes, I'll Be Your Secretary of State
The leaks will flow like wine.
I'm reminded of Fletch.
STANWYK: Will you kill me? You'd be doing me and my family a great favor.
FLETCH (intakes breath, shakes head as he considers, then: ) Sure.
Hillary, having an independent constituency as well as some slim hopes of eventually being president, will, I pray, resist some of Obama's most left-wing terrorist-coddling impulses.
Heh: Bill Clinton's speeches to be vetted by Obama's team, as part of Hillary deal.
You can vet the speeches all you like, bub. The fun starts when he goes off-script.
Thanks to MarkyT.
PS: Bill Clinton wound up paying for those blow-jays after all, huh?