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November 19, 2008
Gals: Six Tips for Meeting Guys
I did not know this was actually a problem for chicks, how to meet guys and get their attention. But I've sorta been out of the dating loop for a while.
Apparently these are the kinds of issues that Cosmo takes on for you ladies.
Dating 101: How to Be a Total Man-Magnet.
Tip #1. Don't got out in packs of more than three.
I suppose the point here is larger groups discourage the time-honored "divide and conquer" approach.
Tip #3. Smile genuinely.
I couldn't help but notice, there was no tip #2. So my tip number two would be accentuate the sweater puppies. When eye contact just isn't all that big a deal, this is a subtle yet powerful weapon in the arsenal, and it will never let you down.
On the "genuine" smiling thing, well hell. A fake smile is just as good as a genuine smile. There, I said it. I don't think I'm giving away the farm here, we honestly can't tell the difference. If you're smilin, we've got a moronic "Andy Kaufman" grin pasted on our faces. Try it and see.
Tip #4. Work the eye contact.
To reel him in from across the room, tilt your chin down a bit and flash him a couple of sultry glances. (Guys love it when you look up at them -- it makes them feel manly.)
Eye contact is always good, I'd substitute the word "squishy" for "manly". Reel him in? Like a mackerel on the deck.
Word of caution, this makes us ejaculate prematurely. Use it with care.
Tip #5. Don't immediately ask him what he does.
Ok, I have to object now. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Ask him what he does, and how good he is at it, does he enjoy being a bastard at work, and not to put too fine a point on it, what he wants in the workplace. To be loved? Or respected. If you're willing to take a shot with this, odds are he will make up some pretty entertaining bullshit at this point. Do the eye contact thingy.
And finally, Tip #6. Make positive small talk.
Yes. Guys are really listening. So be positive.

posted by Dave In Texas at
12:57 AM
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