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November 18, 2008
Huttese Judge Story Gets Weirder: Husband Bashed Her Head in With Frying Pan
That's not the weird part. That part I get.
The weird part is that it's suspected that the frying pan bludgeoning was self-inflicted.
Maybe she was trying to insert bacon grease into her brain more efficiently, without all the hassle of chewing and swallowing.
In related news, her husband has been repeatedly sodomized in prison, and reports "I just couldn't be happier... It's like a brand new day for me. I used to dread even waking up in the morning, but now my life is all sunshine and rainbows. And by 'sunshine,' I mean getting shivved in the gut with a plastic fork melted down into a crude pick, and by 'rainbows,' I mean forcible anal rape. Sure, I'm rapidly running out of functioning intestine from both ends, but other than that, it's like I hit the happy-lottery."
Thanks to SarahW.