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November 18, 2008
Yawn: Local Texas Grand Jury Indicts Dick Cheney
No word on what it is he's supposed to have been indicted for -- as if they need a good reason.
Texas is odd-- solidly, strongly conservative, but with these pockets of the most hyperpartisan liberals in the entire country. The. Entire. Country.
I'm guessing that 80% of the most obnoxiously nasty partisan Democrats hail from Texas. Paul Begala, for one.
(Who, interestingly enough, plays the Texas Card within three minutes of the start off any interview. "I'm not some kind of hippy-dippy moonbeam half-a-fag liberal! I'm from Texas!" he always says. Interesting that those who get so incensed about Sarah Palin's statement that some areas of the country may be more patriotic and "real America" than others are also among the most eager to play the Real America Card themselves.
And, also curiously, the media never asks him follow-up questions about this oft-repeated assertion -- like whether or not he's denigrating Charles Schumer, who is not from Texas, and therefore a possible city-slicker quee-eh.)
Thanks to DrewM.