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November 16, 2008
A New Week, A New Post: This Week's Moron Events [someone]
The comments in the previous edition got a bit long. (If you missed it, check out last night's meetup report thread.)
A note on event locations:
Ace floated the idea of posting locations. Commenters seemed to think this was a bad idea, and I agree. However, we do have a problem with last-minute people not being able to get info from the organizers as the event gets close. If you're in charge: For Ewok's sake, man, check your emails on the last day! Repeatedly. But if you can't, and maybe even if you can, you can email me (and/or possibly Ace) with your event's location ahead of time so last-minute folks have somebody else to try to contact.
As for the rest, you know the drill. If you haven't contacted your nearby coordinator moron, do so. If you're coordinating something for this week and it's not listed, leave the date, time, and city (NOT exact location -- that should be by email) in the comments with a contact email. The list so far follows.
THURSDAY (11/20)
Boston, MA -- 7pm
email Andy
Minneapolis, MN -- 7pm
email spurringirl or BuzzsawSATURDAY (11/22)
Chicago, IL -- 5pm
email conservativeinthecity
New Haven, CT (currently full) -- time unknown
email lauraw
SUNDAY (11/23)
Indianapolis, IN -- 3pm
email Joanna
Passphrase [ace]: A reader suggested that people find each other by asking, "Does this bar serve Val-U-Rite Vodka?" Seems less hazardous than asking, "Are you a friggin' moron?"
And here's the Google Maps overlay blankminde set up:
View Larger Map
If you're organizing (or want to organize) something and it's not listed, email blankminde or me or post it in the comments section with a contact email.

posted by xgenghisx at
05:54 PM
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