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November 15, 2008
Why Are the Mormons Being Singled Out?
Several commenters have wondered why the No on 8 protesters have focused on Mormons rather than Latinos or blacks. I'm certain that part of the reason is because it's easier to protest a smaller minority and because South Central isn't safe for gay people even when they aren't protesting. But that's not the whole story.
Mormons make up 2% of the population here in California, but they funded anywhere from 30 to 70% (depending on who does the counting) of the Yes on 8 campaign. There's also this letter from the church leadership telling members to "do all that you can" to pass the amendment.
PAY ATTENTION TO THIS PART: This is not to say that attacks on Mormons or their churches are justified (or on anyone else, for that matter). That behavior is evil, it should be stopped, it should be prosecuted, and the leaders of the "No on H8" protests should loudly condemn it. Nor am I saying that these protests are a good idea in general.
The point is that the contemptuous, "I'd like to see them protest a black church, the sissies!" is a silly argument. The protesters have little reason to ignore the leaders of the Yes on 8 campaign in order to go out of their way to put themselves in danger or provoke a more violent confrontation.
Another Bad Idea: "No on H8" has a shiny, new fascist/futurist poster to go with their fascist/futurist protests:
Made by the same guy that did Obama's "Hope" icon.
Do ya think it encourages violence?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
03:13 PM
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