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November 14, 2008
Claim: Sec State Position Hillary's to Turn Down
I didn't post on this because I didn't believe it-- I thought it was a make-nice-with-Hillary gesture, an attempt to undo the snub for not even having considered her for VP.
I'm still not sure I believe it -- I think this is a bit of Kabuki theater designed to unite the base, suggesting that Obama and the Hillmeister are buddies now.
I cannot believe he'd want her on his team, and I definitely cannot believe she'd even consider joining his. For the reasons Allah lists and then some.
If Hillary wants to be President - - which I think she still does -- she needs a failed Obama Administration. And if she needs a failed Obama Administration, she certainly wouldn't want to be tainted by association with it.
I'm not saying she wants a a failed Obama Administration -- but if Obama is successful, she can't run in 2012. Only if he fails can she do so. Why would she serve in his cabinet then?
And why be Obama's employee?
Leaks: Hillary is more hawkish than The One. Hillary has spent years trying to build up her (sorta) tough-on-national-defense image; can she risk Obama undoing all that work by using her as the mouthpiece for his appeasement agenda?
No, she couldn't.
And could Obama afford the leaks that would certainly spring up should he claim that, say, Iran is no longer seeking nuclear weapons, when Hillary's classification level gives her access to intelligence saying the complete opposite?
Obama seems willing to sell out Israel for "peace." Is Hillary?