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November 14, 2008
Angels in America: Forces of Tolerance Tolerantly Mau-Mauing All Who Intolerantly Have a Dissenting Opinion
Here's a bit of censorship/political McCarthyism I don't think the MSM will likely be reporting on.
The mainstream media have so far failed to get across the intensity of the ordeal that supporters of Prop 8 may now be subject to--something I realized on coming across this extraordinary blog account of a meeting at the legendary restaurant El Coyote in Hollywood, not far from where I grew up in Laurel Canyon. The meeting was between the elderly Mormon owner, who donated $100 to support Prop 8, and Prop 8 opponents, who are threatening a boycott, and it is as soul- grinding as something out of Soviet show trial history. Peacelovelunges.com--billed as "the blog of ex-Mormon, reformed porn star and Hollywood fitness trainer Sam Page"--reports:
In a dramatic, closed door meeting, the owner of a renowned Mexican eatery in Hollywood expressed regret in her decision to donate $100 to the “Yes on Prop 8″ campaign, but her remarks before a group of about 60 members of Los Angeles’ LGBT community fell short of an outright personal apology.
Just the spectacle of an American citizen expressing regret for her political conviction to avert economic harm is gruesome already. But it goes on:
El Coyote has become the latest casualty in the local outburst against the passage of Proposition 8, an anti-marriage amendment [sic] to the California State Constitution. Dozens of e-mails and websites, including the popular online local guide, Yelp.com, have urged boycotting the legendary cafe in recent days.
Perhaps we should start boycotting anyone who supported No on 8.
No, wait-- that would be intolerant.
As West notes, they're going after Mormon and Catholic churches... but not black churches. It's almost as if these Paragons of Courageous Love get a little cowardly when choosing whom they should try intimidating.
LA Conservatives and Liberal Free Speech Enthusiasts... maybe time to start eating at El Coyote in Hollywood, huh? Maybe twice a week if you can swing it.
Doing so would prevent this from spreading -- if a boycott is met by a, um, buycott, they'll see their tactics are backfiring and stop.