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November 13, 2008
Yes We Can! Are Flying Cars Just Around The Corner?
Now that the mad geniuses at DARPA are involved, I'm thinking maybe.
Darpa says its Cessna-sized combo vehicle should be able to cruise at 60 MPH on land, and 150 MPH in the air. It should be able to stay aloft for two hours on a tank of fuel. "The challenge," the agency says, "is to define the major components of such a vehicle that would be suitable for military scouting and personnel transport missions, yet are small enough, inexpensive enough, and easy enough to operate that it can be widely used."
Thanks Obama!
Flying cars aren't my personal dream, I already have a pilots license. Now, if lightsabers ever hit the market, give me a call. Still, I know a lot of you here long for this and gas is getting cheaper so, keep hope alive!
posted by DrewM. at
11:22 AM
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