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November 12, 2008
Awesome Military Tech Of The Day: Flaming Rocket Balls
Bumped. Consider this as good a substitute as any for inadvertently-posted busty lesbian pron.
How do you take out hardened, underground WMD bunkers without making it worse by spreading the nasty stuff around when you blow it up? Burn them with flaming rocket balls of course.
The Pentagon has a new secret weapon to neutralize sites containing chemical or biological weapons: rocket balls. These are hollow spheres, made of rubberized rocket fuel; when ignited, they propel themselves around at random at high speed, bouncing off the walls and breaking through doors, turning the entire building into an inferno. The makers call them "kinetic fireball incendiaries." The Pentagon doesn't want to talk about them, but published documents show that the fireballs have undergone tests on underground bunkers.
...Smaller fireball payloads have been suggested for shoulder-fired rockets and grenades for tactical use. The DTRA is known to be interested in a payload for the 84mm SMAW rocket launcher for agent defeat; at present, ground forces have no tactical options for dealing with a suspected chemical/biological lab operated by terrorists or others.
I bet the Iranians are really worried about stuff like this, at least they will be until noon on January 20th, 2009.

posted by DrewM. at
06:22 PM
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