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November 08, 2008
Helen Jones-Kelley Put on Paid Administrative Leave; Ponders Becoming a Police Detective, Specializing in Investigating Those Accused of "Sudden Fame in the First Degree"

Hi, Ohio! I committed a crime so now you all get to pay
for my unscheduled vacation!
Justice under President Barack Hussein Obama will be swift, relentless -- and fully comped.
Note that she is not being put on leave due to her criminal dirt-digging on Joe the Plumber.
Helen Jones-Kelley, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and former head of that department in Montgomery County, has been placed on paid administrative leave by Gov. Ted Strickland.
Strickland said on Friday, Nov. 7, that he took the action "due to the possibility, as yet unconfirmed, that a state computer or state e-mail account was used to assist in political fund raising."
"I have asked Inspector General Tom Charles to include this matter in his current, ongoing investigation," Strickland said in a press release.
Strickland said he has asked Jan Allen, his cabinet secretary, to serve as acting director of the agency.
Charles already was investigating reports that a department computer was used to gather personal information about "Joe the Plumber" Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher of suburban Toledo after Wurzelbacher emerged as a key figure in the presidential race in Ohio.
Anyone suspect they're planning to ask for her resignation over this other offense so they can then close the books on the truly serious investigation, claiming it's moot?