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November 08, 2008
Foreign Policy Adviser For McCain/Palin: Shut Up, She's Not An Idiot
Lots of nameless weasels are spreading stories around about how dumb Palin is. Well, Steve Biegun, the guy in charge of briefing her on foreign policy, went on the record with Rich Lowry and calls the stories about Palin's alleged stupidity "absurd".
In general, according to Beigun, Palin had a steep learning curve on foreign issues, about what you would expect from a governor. But she has "great instincts and great core values," and is "an instinctive internationalist."
Follow the link for a rundown and refutation of some of the more scurrilous accusations.
A note to the McCain staffers spreading this shit...at least Palin had the guts to go out there and try to salvage your shit for brains campaign. So come on you brave backstabbing jackasses, man up and put your name to your charges like Biegun did with his defense of Palin. Or don't you have the stones to do it?

posted by DrewM. at
02:42 PM
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