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November 07, 2008
The Rumors Are True, Gun Sales Through The Roof [Vinnie]
Yup, big shocka there.
It certainly backs up the message I got from co-blogger Blackflag:
That being said, almost every online dealer of AR/AK mags and ammo is sold out, mad rush going on in the firearms industry in preparation for AWB2.
AWB2 being Assault Weapons Ban 2, if you're a Concern Troll, unable to grasp the fine points that we can actually see through Obama's bullshit that:
During an October appearance in Ohio, Obama sought to reassure gun owners. "I will not take your shotgun away," he said. "I will not take your rifle away. I won't take your handgun away."
Because what he really means is:
They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.
These so-called "assault weapons" are semi-automatic rifles, no different than the semi-automatic 30.06 my father in law hunts with (I have a bolt action .300 WinMag). So he's lying yet again. He does want to take your rifle away.
My fellow morons, you have less than three months to stock up. I know I am.
Major update: After reading the updates at S&L, I took a screen shot of the quote noted above from changedotgov.
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Minor update: My bolt action .300 WinMag is just my hunting rifle. I have other weapons at my disposal. But...as a commenter noted, opsec and all that. :-)
posted by xgenghisx at
08:25 PM
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