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Evan Thomas: Hey, Obama's Cult of Personality is Slightly Creepy, Isn't It? »
November 06, 2008
Word from an Inside Source on Palin Smear: "It's Bullshit."
I did give him an out. I wrote, "If it's true, let me know that, too." *
FWIW, and this isn't from the source, this is just from me: We can blame McCain for a lot (and Bush too, and the GOP as a whole), but I don't think he has anything to do with this. Except letting it fester a bit. But he's had a lot on his plate.
* Not sure he'd trust me enough not to burn him and toss him in with the Traitors to Palin. I wouldn't do that. But he doesn't know that. I would hope he'd know that, but maybe he doesn't.
Still, I did offer the out.
More: Palin reacts: smearers "small and bitter."
Allah pegs the number of sources at three, and we've likely got all three accounted for -- if you toss Niccole Wallace's husband Mark (also working for the campaign) into the mix.
Frum: ...isn't shy about saying this "knifework" has Nicole Wallace's fingerprints all over it.
He wants her to step forward.
She will.
Bookdeal, baby.
Personally, I can't wait for when I choose to stab the conservative movement in the back, make up all sorts of lurid stories, and collect my million buck.
More: Slublog--
A poster at Hot Air just raised a good point about the McCain staff smear thing: this is a guy who instantly went on the attack against his own party when they brought up Jeremiah Wright as an issue, but won't go to bat while his veep choice gets attacked by people who worked for him.
McCain has always felt "dishonorable" when taking the side of Republicans. This is, I think, why he would not call Obama and the Democrats out on Fannie Mae/CRA: Because to do so would have put him firmly on the side of his fellow Republicans, and incidentally helped them while helping himself.
And he just could not bring himself to do that. He defined himself as the anti-Republican.