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November 05, 2008
The Age of Plenty Begins: Stocks Fall Nearly 500 Points/5% on Obama Win
I seem to remember Bush being blamed for the market selling off when he would speak during the day.
But I'm sure the rules are different for The One.
It's All Part of the Plan... Sandy Burger:
The Dow Jones drop isn't bad news; Obama just lowered the price of stocks so the little guy has a chance to afford some, too.
Thanks, Barack!
Restarted Thread: The other attempt at a humor thread got diverted with further recriminations and musings. So let's try it anew with this one:
Embrace the New Age of Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Work!
After the 2006 debacle, we collectively embraced the new age of Pelosi/Reid, and all the wonderments it would bring.
Well, I think we have a whole lot more to look forward to, now.
I personally am thankful for all the increased economic activity and new jobs that will flow from a basic cost of enterprise -- energy -- skyrocketing in price, as Obama guaranteed.
That's how it works, right? If a basic cost of doing business soars, everyone sells even more product, hires more workers, and makes more money, right?
Verily, that has been the history of mankind itself -- as energy costs have risen, wealth has risen with it.
So thanks Obama! I didn't know the key to economic plenty was simply skyrocketing the costs of essential components of industry! If only we had known that previously, we could have artificially jacked up the costs of labor and commodities to the heavens (like Russia did)!
(Thanks to Tushar for suggesting the thread.)