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Your Post-Election Must Read »
November 05, 2008
He is Risen
Note to Bambi: This isn't a compliment. I believe in the real guy.
Consider this the official sound off on the election thread.
As for myself, after a brief bout with Obama Derangement Syndrome as the results came in, I decided I couldn't do it. Sure, I'll photoshop stupid pictures, criticize our new president with vigor and joy, and work to ensure that conservatives are a thorn in his side, but like I said last night, I won't hate him for a simple reason.
I love this country too much to do to President-Elect Obama what the left did to President Bush, John McCain and Sarah Palin. We're better than that.
Demonization is not essential to opposition. I plan to spend the next four years like I spent the last four - being a husband, dad and extremely reluctant taxpayer. I'm going to disagree with the president a lot, but I don't see that as a license to hate. I've spent far too much time criticizing the left to become like them.
Okay - I'm not suggesting we reach across the aisle and embrace bipartisanship, or roll over for The One and give him what he wants. No way. I'm simply saying that in our zeal to defeat him and his policies, we shouldn't go overboard and turn into the shrill hatemongers we have spent the last eight years despising.

posted by Slublog at
10:44 AM
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