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November 04, 2008
Eddie Adams Jr (R - Florida) Injured in Apparent Arson Sabotage, Media Completely Silent [jdub]
Eddie Adams is running against incumbent Kathy Castor for FL CD-11, parts of Tampa, the Southbay, Bradeton, and a chunk of south St. Petersburg. It's a light blue district demographically and electorally, but it is in play. It went for Bush in 2000, for example.
Well, someone decided that hanging effigies didn't go far enough, so (apparently) they affixed a mattress to the underside of Adams' SUV, where it caught fire, which then spread to the vehicle interior. Adams was hospitalized for the resulting burns and is continuing his campaign.
Did I mention he's black?
Yep, sure is.
And yet, noone carried this, that I'm aware of, except for local AM 820. Not the Tampa Tribune. Not the (Pulitzer-winning!) St. Pete Times. Not the local broadcast news outlets. Nada.
Let this be a lesson to persons of all races, genders, ethnicities, and religions.
Violence against minorities is only outrageous when the political axis of the victim aligns correctly; anything else is a wash.
Go Vote.
Especially in FL 11 (and FL 13.)
Show these people that we can't be intimidated. Show them that you fight fire with franchise, and that we shouldn't be afraid.
UPDATE! Dems scatter voter information across major Tampa interchange. (Malfunction Junction to the locals.) Below the fold.
Getting a lot in the comments from Bay Area voters.
Thought I'd stick this below the fold, as it's interesting local news, but not related to the Adams news except by geography
TAMPA — The intersection known for years as "malfunction junction" has another notch on its belt.
Highway workers discovered hundreds of papers with voter information early Monday on the shoulder of the westbound Interstate 4 ramp just before the entrance to southbound Interstate 275 in Tampa.
The voter survey forms, discovered about 4:15 a.m., carried the names of Tampa residents, their party affiliation, age, sex, home addresses and some phone numbers. Most of that information is obtainable from public records.
No one ever claimed the papers. But Michael Steinberg, chairman of the Hillsborough County Democratic Executive Committee, said the information appears to have been generated by a software program used by the Democratic Party called Vote Builder.
Cleanup workers filled nine garbage bags with the scattered paper. Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity -- but isn't it nice to know that so much care is being taken in protecting your private information?

posted by xgenghisx at
08:31 AM
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