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November 02, 2008
Why Missouri Will Go Red (Kat-Mo)
Somebody asked this question and this article from WSJ spells it out:
Mrs. Palin has, for millions of Americans, become a symbol of a reformist average Jane, a working mom, ready to take on the Washington they detest. Talking to Missourians before the event, I heard little mention of flashpoint issues like her religious views, or her experience. I was instead repeatedly, and vociferously, informed that a Vice President Palin would "fix that place" and "shape up the GOP." I also heard a lot about how she would accomplish all this because she was a "real" person.
Greek columns at Mile High and rock concert political rallies fronted by a group called The Decemberists doesn't create much appeal here. Nor are people out in the "fly over" parts of the state necessarily bowled over by soaring speeches about "unity". Mostly, what they are concerned about is the erosion of values, how they will be able to pass on something of value, both metaphorical and physical, to their children.
Government is not loved here. It is still seen as a necessary evil. Federal government is too big, too inefficient and too ineffective. People don't imagine that the government is going to cure all their ills or absolve them of all of their burdens. In fact, it is seen as adding burdens instead of relieving them.
Big government is still the ugly dog in this race and it is the reason why the "rural" areas out vote and turn the state red, regardless of the deep blue of the urban areas. It is why Missouri will go Red for Republicans.
posted by xgenghisx at
12:07 AM
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