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November 01, 2008
Red State Missouri (Kat-Mo)
So, I showed up at the Jackson Co. Republican Party Headquarters in Independence, MO today to see what was going on. Let me tell you, the place was jumping. As I rolled up, a group of about twenty wearing "Country First" t-shirts were rolling out with signs and other information to go door to door. Many of them were young men and women in their early twenties.
The sight of so many young people getting involved for McCain/Palin was absolutely heartening considering the whole idea of the "youth vote". As a matter of fact, the young woman in charge of the volunteer effort who greeted me at the door was in her early twenties as well and very energetic and up beat. She is not anticipating losing on Tuesday.
There were at least thirty people manning the phone bank non-stop.
For anyone out there who is ready to give up: get up, go out and get to your local campaign headquarters. Stop looking at the polls. If you get out there, what you will see is a great effort going on. It is exhilarating just to see and be part of the activity that makes our government system so great: people participating in the great experiment called democracy.
This is where the action is at.
As Gabe et al have been stating, it just takes a few minutes. And, I can tell you that none of these people are down about the prospects of the election on Nov. 4. They are upbeat and excited.
I'll be up at the campaign office again tomorrow morning where I was told by Amy that the headquarters was going to get a special visitor at 10 AM.
If you're in the KC/Independence vicinity, you can catch up with me there. You'll know who I am by the secret hand shake.
One more thing...
Dear Senator Obama...
Not wanting to give the government more of our money to spend irresponsibly and inefficiently on someone who didn't earn it, but wanting to keep as much as possible to provide for our own family's safety, comfort and general welfare is not "selfishness", it is "self-reliance".
Try looking that word up some time and learn the difference.

posted by xgenghisx at
06:54 PM
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