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November 01, 2008
U.S. Border Agents Detain Mexican Troops (genghis)
Here’s the story from CNN:
”(CNN) -- Seven members of the Mexican military were found inside the United States on Friday, telling border agents they had become disoriented while on patrol and accidentally crossed into the country, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol said.”
Shit happens, I suppose. And perhaps it was just an honest mistake. In defense of the Mexican troops:
”According to the CBP (Customs and Border Patrol), the soldiers were assigned to the 23rd Regiment Motorized Cavalry of the Mexican Army. The soldiers said they believed they were still in Mexico because they remained on the south side of a newly constructed border fence.”
A fence, you say? Well, like Mom used to tell me: “Good fences make good neighbors. As do watchtowers spaced at 200 yard intervals with turret-mounted
miniguns.” Mom was always about good relations with the neighbors. We had several emplacements in our back yard when I was a kid, at key points along the stockade fence.
Tom Tancredo joins in the fray:
”"This is not an uncommon occurrence," Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colorado, told CNN. "Often times, it is the result of the Mexican military providing cover essentially for drug transportation across into our country, and/or creating a diversion so it will draw our people away from the place where the drugs are coming across."
“In August, the Border Patrol said Mexican troops had crossed the border illegally 42 times since October 2007.”
“Tancredo said the U.S. State Department lodged a complaint with the Mexican government for the first time over the military incursions a few weeks ago. Attempts by CNN to contact the State Department and the Mexican government Friday were unsuccessful”
I call bullshit on Tancredo’s argument that these incursions are drug-trafficking related. No, what this paranoid right-wing cracka’ fails to realize is that our dear friends from the south come here seeking one thing, and one thing only:
The Enchirito.
Sadly, this most perfect of food items cannot be had anywhere outside of America, so for them, this is the promised land. The land of milk and enchiritos, but mostly enchiritos. Think about it: It’s a fusion of an enchilada AND a burrito. Sublime. It’s no wonder they both love and hate us at the same time.
Eat me
posted by xgenghisx at
09:15 AM
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