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October 25, 2008
Joe Biden: We Haven't Paid ACORN "A Single Penny"
Oh really?
She then goes on to ask him about Marxism -- a bit weakly, but I guess I have to give her props for asking.
Obama's campaign has canceled further interviews with the station.
Why did Barack Obama's campaign cancel a WFTV-Channel 9 interview with Jill Biden, wife of Sen. Joe Biden? The campaign cited "an unprofessional interview" WFTV's Barbara West did Thursday with Joe Biden. In a statement Friday, Adrianne Marsh, Florida spokeswoman for Obama's campaign, said the station, in talking with Sen. Biden, was "both combative and woefully uninformed about simple facts." Marsh said West's insistence that Obama was an organizer for ACORN was "100 percent false." "In a line of questioning that would make Rush Limbaugh proud, West even went as far as to quote Karl Marx, a Communist icon, in a disturbing attempt to associate Barack Obama with socialism," Marsh wrote. West said, "I think I asked him some pointed questions. . . . I don't think I was rude or inconsiderate to him."
Joe Biden Does a Sarah Palin Interview: Heh.
It's a good point. This is the first time anyone in the media has gone after either Obama or Biden.
Actually... The media asked difficult questions of The One exactly The Twice.
Once Chicago media asked him about Rezko, Barack Obama stopped the press conference short, protesting that they shouldn't be asking him about such minor corruption cases. The media got the message -- Obama has no good answers for any of this and if we keep asking, he'll look evasive and might even say something disastrous.
So that was the last time anyone asked him about Rezko.
Charile Gibson and George Stephanopolous asked him two questions about Ayers at a debate. Obama lied and obviously so. The media itself savaged Gibson and Stehphanolpolous for their impertinence.
The message was delivered: Anyone who asks these sort of questions makes Obama look bad, and thus must be insulted and hounded.
They got the message. No Ayers questions since. (And no, Schieffert's offering both candidates an opportunity to make their charges to the others' face doesn't count -- he still didn't ask Obama a question about Ayers.)
Since the media wouldn't ask any difficult questions, a plumber decided to.
And we know what happened there.
Another message was delivered, this time to a source who knows Ayers bragged of babysitting Obama's children: This is what happens to private citizens who stand in The Way of The One.
And the media was again complicit. Not only won't they ask questions of The One, they'll destroy anyone who does.